Linda Morse


Photo for Ms. Morse



My name is Ms. Morse, and I have been the counselor at Westside for over 20 years! I grew up here and am a local graduate. I hold graduate degrees in Counseling and Child Development from the University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University.  Each year, I enjoy working with students teaching them the life skills they need to be successful adults. I conduct classroom guidance lessons, small groups and individual counseling.  I am also the RTI/SST/504 Coordinator. As always, I work closely with teachers, administrators, parents and school social workers to make sure students have what they need. Most of all, I strive to be a special friend that all students can count on at school!

My first and most favorite job is also being a mother. I love traveling, spending time with family and pets, and home improvement projects. Please contact me if I can be of assistance to you and your family.  

Welcome to the Counselor's Corner!

Growing up Drug-Free: A Parent’s Guide to Prevention

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Next week we celebrate Red Ribbon Week.  I would like to share a resource with you. 

This 40-page booklet offers information to help parents and other caregivers raise drug-free children. The guide includes an overview of substance use among youth; descriptions of substances young people may use; a look at risk factors that may make kids more vulnerable to trying and using drugs, and protective factors to offset those risks; suggestions for how to talk to children about drugs, regardless of their age; and tips on what to do if you suspect your child is using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Remember, it's never too early to talk about, or too late to get help! 

Second Step Curriculum

5th Grade Lessons

Lesson 9: Introducing Emotion Management

19 minutes


Lesson 10: Calming Down

20 minutes


Lesson 11: Managing Anxiety

13 minutes


Lesson 12: Managing Frustration

17 minutes


Lesson 13: Resisting Revenge

18 minutes


Lesson 14: Handling Put-Downs

18 minutes


Lesson 15: Avoiding Assumptions

24 minutes


4th Grade Lessons


Lesson 10: Introducing Emotion Management

10 minutes


Lesson 11: Managing Strong Feelings

14 minutes


Lesson 12: Calming Down Anger

15 minutes


Direct Video Link:

Lesson 13: Managing Anxiety

12 minutes


Lesson 14: Avoiding Jumping to Conclusions

13 minutes


Lesson 15: Handling Put-Downs

10 minutes


3rd Grade Lessons

Lesson 11: Introducing Emotion Management

16 minutes


Lesson 12: Managing Test Anxiety

17 minutes


Lesson 13: Handling Accusations

19 minutes


Direct Video Link:


Lesson 14: Managing Disappointment

14 minutes


Lesson 15: Managing Anger

20 minutes


Lesson 16: Managing Hurt Feelings

13 minutes


2nd Grade Lessons

Lesson 11: Introducing Emotion Management

11 minutes


Lesson 12: Managing Embarrassment

11 minutes


Lesson 13: Handling Making Mistakes

12 minutes


Direct Video Link:


Lesson 14: Managing Anxious Feelings

12 minutes


Lesson 15: Managing Anger

15 minutes


Lesson 16: Finishing Tasks

11 minutes


1st Grade Lessons

Lesson 12: Identifying Our Own Feelings

12 minutes


Direct Video Link:

Lesson 13: Strong Feeling

19 minutes


Direct Video Link:

Lesson 14: Calming Down Anger

21 minutes


Direct Video Link:

Lesson 15: Self-Talk for Calming Down

18 minutes


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Lesson 16: Managing Worry

22 minutes


Kindergarten Lessons

Lesson 12: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies
9 minutes

Direct Video Link:

Lesson 13: Managing Frustration
10 minutes

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Lesson 14: Calming Down Strong Feelings
12 minutes

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Lesson 15: Handling Waiting
10 minutes

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Lesson 16: Managing Anger
12 minutes

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Lesson 17: Managing Disappointment
8 minutes

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Lesson 18: Handling Being Knocked Down

Direct Video Link:

Lesson 13, Day 1: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies
10 minutes
Direct Video Link:
Lesson 13, Day 2: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies
10 minutes
Direct Video Link:
Lesson 13, Day 3: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies
13 minutes
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Lesson 14, Day 1: Strong Feelings
8 minutes
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Lesson 14, Day 2: Strong Feelings
12 minutes
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Lesson 14, Day 3: Strong Feelings
11 minutes
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Lesson 15, Day 1: Naming Feelings
10 minutes
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Lesson 16, Day 2: Managing Disappointment
15 minutes
Direct Video Link:
Lesson 16, Day 2: Managing Disappointment
15 minutes
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Lesson 17, Day 1: Managing Anger
13 minutes
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Lesson 17, Day 2: Managing Anger
17 minutes
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Lesson 17, Day 3: Managing Anger
16 minutes
Direct Video Link:

Pre-K Lessons

News and Announcements
